Don't be negligent or fall foul of missing information. Get access, and contribute to, the repository of information on a building. Use Building Passport to familiarise yourselves properly with a building and give your clients a valuable tool to make their lives easier.

Do you struggle with clunky ways of gathering information on a property
Is it a hassle to share this information
Would it help you to have a pre-populated sale pack
Answered 'yes' to any of the above? Building Passport is for you.

Cover all bases
by checking the Building Passport for information and promote your competence by contributing to it

Avoid frustrating admin
by having a standardised file structure and being able to securely share property information with clients without emails and file transfer services

Speed up
future transactions for your client by storing information on a Building Passport

Improve customer satisfaction
with a user-friendly platform that is accessible from anywhere, anytime

Stand out
from competitors with a tech savvy, building-centric repository solution that simplifies information management

Save money
by using Building Passport as a deal room in the transaction process

Companies already benefitting from using Building Passport
Get in touch to discuss our enterprise package